Burdon Gundrill's specialty is re-tipping. We are ready to start work on
your job today and believe you will be pleasantly surprised by our turn
around time and more than satisfied with the quality of our work.
The Burdon Gundrill is a unique tool for producing precision holes more
efficiently. It combines the ability to machine from the solid with the
accuracy of a boring tool and produces a finished, straight hole to any
depth while satisfying most job requirements without further operations.
The elimination of boring and reaming operations results in obvious
Burdon Gundrills are of the single flute
design, so constructed that the full length of the carbide cutting tip
is utilized. This is accomplished by incorporating the maximum size
coolant passage plus carbide wear-pads. This design provides adequate
lubrication and tool support for the complete regrind life of the tool
tip. The shanks are heat-treated tubular alloy steel with a large chip
channel. Coolant flow of sufficient volume and continuous chip emission
is thus ensured. Tool drivers conform to industry accepted dimensions
and are supplied in proper size to suit the customer's equipment.
Gundrills are normally used in machines specifically designed for them
but may also be used in lathes, drill presses, boring machines and
automatic screw machines, providing certain modifications are made to
the equipment and proper feed and coolant are used.
The Burdon Gundrill is a superior product for
all hole drilling, shallow as well as deep, and, through our new
production techniques, is available at a very competitive price. We
invite your investigation.